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The Planet Earth Collection ( Planet Earth (2006) & Planet Earth II (2016) )• TVSeries

In one of the most ambitious landmark series, Planet Earth allows us to experience the world from the viewpoint of the animals themselves. Travelling through jungles, deserts, mountains, islands, grasslands and cities, this series explores the unique characteristics of Earth’s most iconic habitats and the extraordinary ways animals survive within them. New technology has allowed individual stories to be captured in an unparalleled level of detail. For the first time viewers are immersed in incredible landscapes and share the most dramatic moments in the lives of animals. From spellbinding wildlife spectacle to intimate encounters, Planet Earth will take you closer than ever before

The Witcher Series 8 Books - AudioBooks-EPUB by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Witcher series has swept the world like a storm, with its detailed story, beautiful settings and in depth characters as well as the curious story telling. This fantastic bestseller is ideal for young adult readers. The Witcher tells the story of Geralt of Rivia, it is a Polish science fiction story written by Andrzej Sapkowski. The protagonist Geralt of Rivia is tied with Ciri, both linked in destiny. Ciri is a princess of a country who was in fact conquered and she was used as a pawn between politics.

Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy (AudioBook-PDF)

Both successful entrepreneurs and chess grandmasters have the vision to look at the pieces in front of them and anticipate their next five moves. In this book, Patrick Bet-David translates this skill into a valuable methodology that applies to high performers at all levels of business. Whether you feel like you’ve hit a wall, lost your fire, or are looking for innovative strategies to take your business to the next level, Your Next Five Moves has the answers